Recent changes in product standards relating to non standard configuration tower builds have lead to changes in manufacturing requirements to meet the new BS1139-6:2021 standards. Two of the leading manufacturers, Lakeside Industries and Euro Towers, have taken steps to gain third party certification to meet the new standards, with support from the Test & Research Centre.
The changes have also lead to an update on training requirements for PASMA additional module training courses, so with this in mind, the two manufacturers took the decision, in collaboration with PASMA, to open their factories in Redditch and Northampton respectively to PASMA Instructors to come along and learn about their product ranges and take a tour of the factories to see how the manufacturing process takes place and how the manufacturers are meeting the new standards.
The changes have also lead to an update on training requirements for PASMA additional module training courses, so with this in mind, the two manufacturers took the decision, in collaboration with PASMA, to open their factories in Redditch and Northampton respectively to PASMA Instructors to come along and learn about their product ranges and take a tour of the factories to see how the manufacturing process takes place and how the manufacturers are meeting the new standards.
PASMA training courses are run by qualified and knowledgeable Instructors, but in order to maintain their qualification and keep their knowledge up to date, they have to complete Continued Professional Development (CPD) to ensure they deliver training to the high standards that PASMA expect. Instructors travelled from all corners of the country to attend and get the chance to learn about these products and some hands-on experience building them. RSC Training Ltd Director and Instructor Richard Chapman, pictured far right, was one of the Instructors who attended both events and he is very much in favour of these events. |
Richard said: "These type of events are invaluable as an Instructor as they not only help us to keep up to date with the latest goings on within the industry but also help us gain specific knowledge we might otherwise not learn. Its also the social aspect of it on the day, as an Instructor we usually work alone so its good to get a few of us together now and then as you'd be surprised how much you learn just by chatting with other Instructors, swapping stories and experiences."
Both manufacturers were keen to show Instructors around their facilities, showing the specifics of how they manufacture their towers, how they ensure the high quality of their products and what makes them different from their competitors. Richard said: "The factory tours were a great insight into what goes on behind the scenes at the manufacturers factories. As Alto towers and Euro towers are quite different products, its not surprising the process of making them is also quite different. It was my first time visiting Lakeside Industries so I was very interested in seeing their place." |
Richard went on to say: "At Alto, there was only a small group of us on the day so Charlie was able to take us all round together, but at Euro Towers there was quite a few more of us so they divided us into smaller groups and we went round with different representatives of Euro Towers." One of the groups was lead by Roger Verallo, pictured left, who was able to impart his many years of experience within the industry and within PASMA to the Instructors in his group. Richard laughed: "Roger is a character, he's been in the industry nearly as long as I've been alive so what he doesn't know about towers probably isn't worth knowing! I'm sure all the Instructors in his group were thoroughly entertained as well as learning a lot from him." |
The main aim of these events are to broaden the knowledge of PASMA Instructors, to show differences between different manufacturers towers, such as bracing patterns, build methods, even the material they are made from. Not all towers are the same, even if they look similar or are the same heights. This is even more emphasised when you start getting into the non standard configuration builds. Instructors can then pass on this knowledge to those attending PASMA training courses.
PASMA Lead Auditor George Lopez, who attended and helped run both events, stated about the Alto event:
“This was a great experience for instructors to learn more about Alto’s products and manufacturing process, as well as understand how and why they achieved their BS 1139-6 certification. It was also a great experience for them to build the Alto Access tower, as many of them rarely get the chance to build one. This was an excellent chance for everyone to experience this and broaden their expertise in different tower brands.”
Richard added: "Its good to learn about different towers, as well as get to build them too. Fortunately, through doing my Instructor modules for the BS1139-6 non standard configuration builds, I've got a good experience using the Alto Tower, but I know quite a few other Instructors probably haven't seen it in person before. I'll admit also I don't use Euro Towers equipment that often myself either so its good to get the chance to do so." |
Thanks go to Charles Wright and the team at Lakeside Industries and to Roger Verallo and the team at Euro Towers for putting on the events for the Instructors and to George Lopez and PASMA for helping organise and run them.